Only Pay Once Your Media Has Been Completed
The Way It Works:
For Photos:
Buy your photos off of the website after the shoot
You will get a preview
The price of the photos will be displayed on this website
For Videos:
The fee will be privately messaged to you as well as a watermarked video to view on completion, ask for any changes you want (may come at a cost depending on time), transfer the money over and you will get your video ASAP
45p a mile may be charged on top of this
REFUND POLICY - As I'm unable to afford lawyers I will not be doing refunds. You only ever have to pay after the work is completed. I have no binding contracts so the work will only be shared once I have received payment. In no scenario will you be paying for work you have not yet seen, you pay for what is shown to you.
Invoice Paying
If you need to pay an invoice, pay required amount, and ensure that either:
The "Reference" says who you are and what your paying for.
Or you've filled in the form to confirm payment.
Note - This is not needed when buying photos or clips from online store.